We inspire people to do hard things.

We’re experts in behavioral psychology + data science who built a HIPAA-compliant tech platform to engage & onboard 5k people at once. What happened next will blow your mind.

The first step to inspiring someone to make a change for their own good? To build belief that change is worth the discomfort.

We know how to do that. We help people become educated and motivated to live well.

Our platform has touched 100,000 people so far.

We’re just getting started. 

Affective Health started as a conversation between three cognitive scientists. Is it possible to change the way people begin hard things—so they don’t get stuck in hard feelings?

Humans are wired for conversation and connection.

Connection was impossible in 1-to-many health communications.

So we built a connection delivery system for improving health every day.

Our platform took its first steps.

After a baptism by fire at the leading nuclear engineering company, we earned the IT security seal of approval.

(Yes, we're compliant with anything your IT department was going to ask you about.)

100,000+ connections later, we’re on a mission to inspire people to take their first steps to better health.

The People People

Joe Stafura, Founder

Chief Technology Advisor

Elissa Ashwood

Chief Executive Officer

JZ Stafura

Chief Cognitive Scientist Advisor

Renzo Diaz

Full-Stack Developer

“You can’t change someone’s life with an alarm system. That’s why we design behavior change communications. People are smart. They’ll start to believe and do things on their own. We think about engagement as belief. When a person understands, they feel a bit more in control. They gain acceptance about their condition. Then they’re more likely to take action that’s good for them, and good for you.” 

— Joe Stafura, PhD, Founder, Affective Health

We’re the Enrollment Agency Who Believes In Human Agency.

  • Our solutions are based on evidence-based cognitive and behavioral models. We deliver statistically significant turnarounds throughout the enrollment lifecycle. Better than anything clients have ever seen. It turns out, people become more engaged—not less—over time. Change sticks. The results are transformational. Let us show you. 

  • Love is not a medical procedure. But it can be the reason someone signs up. A chronic condition or elective surgery feels daunting and complicated. The information itself is relatively straightforward and repeatable. It’s the sequence, tempo, and delivery of communications where people drop out. The reason people aren’t responding to your campaigns is because you haven’t connected something they care about with an action you want them to take. You can keep people moving through your pipeline. Let us show you.

  • Most onboarding tools require extensive customization by developers, who don’t have the know-how to inspire a healthcare consumer to answer personal questions like how many ibuprofen they’re taking every day. You need communications that inspire trust. Trust is built when what you say will happen, happens. There are no surprises.